Alchemical amulet unearthed in Zutphen


Archaeologists from the municipality of Zutphen found an amulet from the 17th century. The disc was excavated during the test trench search during the renovation of the IJsselkade

The found amulet of a silver alloy has a diameter of 49 millimeters . The disc has three holes, probably to nail or sew it somewhere.

Amulets are very rare, according to the municipality. However, an elongated gilt bronze amulet with similar texts was found in the city during a search in 2010. This finding dates back to the 17th century


The text on the amulet does can not yet be fully read, because the disc must still be stripped of a hard layer of rust. It is clear that on one side there is an octagram with the names of the planets and their Latin names on the edge.

On the other hand, the alchemical signs around a pentagram are in a very poorly readable text. Archaeologists suspect that there was probably "tetragrammaton + Maria" and perhaps "Agla + Emanuel" because it was also used on other amulets. The first word means "four letters" and refers to the name Yahweh (God).

These names would protect the user and are regularly used on objects of the alchemical, christian-kabbalistic sphere. It is well known that occult people were active in and around Zutphen during the Reformation period, writes Omroep Gelderland

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