"Almost all sex workers are victims of violence, intimidation and intimidation"


Virtually all sex workers in the Netherlands face forms of violence during their work, according to a study by the Dutch association Proud and Soa Aids. Verbal abuse is the most common, followed by sexual or physical abuse. The authors are mainly clients.

Proud and Soa Aids Netherlands surveyed 300 sex workers with different homes, ages, and workplaces. Prostitutes themselves were involved in research. They formulated the questions, conducted interviews and helped interpret the results.

'Dirty whore & # 39;

Sex workers are most often victims of verbal abuse and intimidation. At least 93% of them have been abused, intimidated or hunted at least once last year. For example, women are told that they are "a dirty whore". Or passers-by shout that a prostitute of the window must pay them, "she is so ugly."

Unwanted sexual acts took place in 78 percent of prostitutes. Physical violence, ranging from pinching and tearing to severe abuse, occurred in 60% of cases. About as many sex workers have been harmed financially by theft, extortion, exploitation or customers who do not pay for services.

Only 3% of sex workers have not experienced violence in the past year. Yet 56% of respondents are satisfied with their work more than half of the time, a quarter of prostitutes are still satisfied.

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Prostitution is legal, but it requires a license. For example, sex workers without a license, who work in a massage parlor or in hotel rooms, for example, do the most violence; window prostitutes and sex workers who work at home with the least authorization.

Researchers call on police and the judiciary to provide better protection for sex workers and to take their history seriously. Because according to the research too, this is not enough.

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