(Almost) mother? Forget that money from research – Pitreport News


In 2016 I had a child of one and a half and one was just born. If you have children, you lose a lot of productivity. According to Jaap Schouten, Diversity spokesperson on the NWO Board of Directors, this is an addition to the current policy. And I think you're building a hole by carry. The annual nomination rounds for coveted NWO grants have a tight schedule (see box) that can not always be combined with the equally tight schedule of a pregnancy, or with care for a newborn. Three of the six women who spoke to NRC do not want their names in the newspaper. You are always with your family, breastfeeding, broken nights. But I thought: I am now paid for it.
Then she came across research from Romy van der Lee and Naomi Ellemers (PNAS, 2015) that showed that 14.9% of women in the 2010-2012 Veni app were honored compared to 17.7 for "It is strong against the principle of equal treatment." She appealed, the decision follows this fall. </ p> </ p> extension exists, making a request for money is part of my job and I just worked. "The adjournment seemed bad for his career," I think it's worth it, "says C. A woman's The case is deceived by the administrative judge, the other case follows an appeal decision this fall.This flight of female talents costs tens of millions of universities each year, according to the calculation of the National Network of Last year, he was assessed as "moderate", while his application was "excellent" and "very good." NWO v had now offered candidates who were not able to offer a solution in the relevant application cycle to withdraw from their application round and return to the same point a year later. Eckes appealed to NWO and when it proved to be unsuccessful, she took the unusual step at the administrative court to demand a new assessment of her proposal. "It's very unfortunate," says Schouten. She has received other scholarships and has a permanent appointment. Eckes is not the only one with this kind of problems. Another woman was in trouble in her list of publications – she calls herself C. "Of course, it's pretty complicated, you always stay on the limit. not fair, partly because she should have given up the less effective search time. NWO received the referees' reports on December 21st, but Eckes only received them on January 7th, as did the other candidates. In July 2017, the administrative judge declared Eckes' complaint unfounded: she should have better defended her interests. Applicants can respond within five business days. Because the schedule is basically the same for everyone, women sometimes have to be pregnant or just give birth to a rebuttal or do an interview. But the application procedures have a tight schedule that can not always be combined with a pregnancy or the care of a newborn. But that did not happen. "And NWO does not have general rules for what needs to be done if the applicants are pregnant," she says. What happened to Christina Eckes? But Eckes and C. Voluntary senior scientists, referees, evaluate these research proposals in a report. Grants acquisition is increasingly seen as a requirement for a career in Dutch science. do not appeal. The judge gave C. The result is that I have not been in one of the best newspapers for the first time last year. What can NWO do? I then worked 38 hours, but not 55 hours, as usual. They wanted to deliver something tailored, but you keep the point more general: can you ask women to play in this situation? "It was only during the Christmas holidays that I noticed that I had not received them," Eckes explains. The NWO has a specific gender policy: scholarships, networks, career paths for women. "And after the birth of my first child was 36 hours of work, which is in my contract, also really 36 hours, and no more than 50 hours what I did before.We would like to have set up this calendar year. "
The new policy – possibly tailor-made and the option to revive a year later – appears on the NWO website and in the application forms. to have to submit their rebuttal for a Veni grant just like Eckes around their due date. Not only was she on maternity leave from mid-December; his mother was also seriously ill (she died a year later) and she often had to go to the hospital for gestational diabetes. Dutch researchers can submit an application of € 250,000 (Veni), € 800,000 (Vidi) or € 1,500,000 (Vici) within 3, 8 or 15 years of their doctorate. The problem is, says B .: "You have to take part in a procedure where deadlines are already set.And NWO has to offer a lot more proactive help if the women say that they are pregnant." "J & # 39; have always had the feeling that they did not really have a procedure for that, "says A. Women received lower ratings on" researcher quality "than men, but equal ratings on the "Quality of the research proposal". Now, almost three years later, she is still involved in a legal battle because she was pregnant when she applied for the 800,000 euros grant. Finally, he was asked if the two-day delay for the response was sufficient. I will not play: I played golf for two hours that day. They do not like to talk about it. She used this extension; she had had three children since her promotion. Why did Eckes not benefit? "At some point you are no longer in their eyes this young talent that will develop." Suspended curtains
On January 13, a day before his calculation, Eckes submitted his answer. "But the way of doing things Career at the university is to do research. "Politics is good on paper," says C., "but I have experienced that, she opposed her rejection at NWO and when that did not help, she got her." 39. Also given to the Administrative Court R. A Policy Officer sent an email the same week to try to find referees who could deliver their reports before Christmas, so that Eckes has already received them. she applied for her current position as a professor in December Güroglu, who had already phoned NWO about the evaluation of her hospital proposal, did not receive a Vidi grant. "You always have more teaching tasks than you have time to do," says Eckes, "but in my opinion it was used to my disadvantage."

Photo Roger Cremers [19659002] Border Affairs
Can these problems be solved? "I was not advised by my colleagues, but I thought: if I shut up now, I would tacitly agree with the current policy, I'm fine with that."

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And grants are important to your career. says she's spent days finding someone at NWO. Why did she apply for a grant during her pregnancy, at the risk of having to write her answer in an embarrassing moment? "Now these rules are informal." Fear of focusing on "weakness": in the time around birth, they fail to make higher science fifty hours a week. example, the comments of the referee can be sent a little earlier, or the interview can be done via a Skype connection. "
This policy is however not described on the website NWO or in the instructions. C. And many established group leaders are older men whose wives took care of all home care tasks. "We also need to give clear instructions to program coordinators on this," says Schouten. "I can do it better now, but for a while it really bothered me.Scientists who earn a scholarship early in their career, the next eight years, attract twice as much money from research that scientists who have just acquired it, have recently appeared in Dutch research (PNAS, March 29.) Pepper dragged Veni in. How many women scientists are struggling with these problems is unknown. , 3% of teachers are women. "This is not an argument. Part of this is the money demanded – less than 15 percent of all applicants, a decreasing percentage. The judicial proceedings themselves paid around 3,000 euros. Jaap Schouten, who is responsible for diversity policy at NWO, does not know about this incident, but the NWO's contact does not represent NWO's official position, he says when asked. She sent an email to NWO. "The fact that this happens means that we have to communicate even better."
Since May 2017, the Clara Wichmann Bureau and the Dutch NWO Women Teachers Network have attracted twice the attention of pregnant grant applicants. Subsequently, some of the bidders are invited for an interview. Sometimes women have to write an answer or give an interview at an unfavorable time. also works in such a field. Eckes was first, and is now one of two women scientists in the Netherlands who have filed a complaint for sex discrimination in the processing of a grant application. In disciplines with a relatively large number of women (health sciences, social sciences), the difference in funding between men and women was the largest. Leiden's developmental psychologists, Berna Güroglu and Jiska Peper, both had to talk to defend a grant application when their babies were only a few weeks old. Because it already seems to be going well with women's representation, perhaps less attention is being paid to honest gender distribution in awards, write Van der Lee and Ellemers. The NWO tries to provide a "custom work", but clear rules are missing. Christina Eckes, nowadays a professor of European law at the University of Amsterdam, applied for a Vidi scholarship in October 2015 from the financial company NWO. NWO promises improvements

NWO wants to take action this year to accommodate pregnant women during their grant application. "Then they no longer need to write their proposal.At the same time, we know that the percentage of women is smaller at every stage of the scientific career ladder." I did not want not draw attention to the fact that I was sick, afraid that people think: a woman with a baby has something different in her head than in science. For this article, NRC met with six women who had had problems with grant applications during their pregnancy and read the records of two of them. Two other women, here A. In the resume of her application to Veni, she carefully calculated her "effective search time", deducting maternity and parental leave. "I've had a pretty short vacation," she said darkly. She did not have the purse. But NWO is an administrative body, which must take into account the borderline cases. "NWO actually wants to take action (see engagement with a NWO response)." That would mean, "she thought," that I could not ask for money all the time that I'm going to do. was pregnant? And they are afraid that advertising research will influence their chance to subsidize money. There are few who even had a daddy day. Fearing that their lack of ambition is blamed for choosing motherhood during an academic career. The NWO announces that it wants to take action this year to accommodate pregnant women during their grant application. Women just have babies, men do not have babies. The News in Brief:

NWO scientific scientist's research grants are becoming increasingly important for a career in science. And that's what the evaluators look at. "
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NWO's Veni, Vidi and Vici Grants are true career accelerators that are awarded in annual rounds.You do not have time off for childbirth for nothing and you should do science at the highest level. "When can you do it again? What you need to accomplish at such an adverse time at a high level is putting you at a disadvantage." It's unfair, she thinks: The fact that I'm not in good shape at the time of testing does not say anything about whether I have half a year of research.When she wrote her request, she saw that the days she should submit her answer, in mid-January, she was ready for the birth of her second child.This current policy means: "Seeking a personalized solution when a researcher makes a difficult personal situation known to the program coordinator. member s of the committee who judge us, but we are not like them. "NWO says the committees are still made up of 40% women." I think there should be some rules on the site: what to do if you're pregnant, "says Christina Eckes.With a Veni, you can buying some research time for yourself, with a Vidi, you can also pay a few doctoral students. "And because the collection of money is considered a sign that you are good, it increases the likelihood of it. B. Two women scientists recently filed a complaint against NWO "Only: the time it takes, you do not spend in research, what it really is."
Comments via [email protected] But Eckes thinks that NWO has not sent the referees' reports earlier C. "During the session, my interlocutor at NWO said that she had hanged curtains with her mother on the day of her delivery, "says Eckes irritated.And the possibility of obtaining a extension of the application deadline for the Veni, Vidi and Vici scholarships: you must submit your application within 3, 8 and 15 years after your thesis, but the biological mothers will receive an extension of eighteen months a year. child. You also feel that you are the only one; Eckes and she received important advice and support from Office Clara Wichmann, who also lobbied NWO for good policy with the National Network of Women Teachers. And in practice, program coordinators, who have to answer questions about the application process, do not always know it. The application was not honored, his resume was decisive: not enough published. "In some situations, we have not found a solution – at least, this has not been experienced by the researchers in question," says Schouten. "The committee members who judge my request also read the newspaper," says one of them. after consulting with NWO, she received the referees' reports earlier, but had to give birth earlier because of a serious complication of the pregnancy and put her the finishing touches to the hospital.

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