Attention to holiday lovers: a sharp rise in venereal diseases in France


Are you going on holiday in France? Do not forget to take condoms with you. New research shows that the number of infections by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has tripled in the past four years.

The number of diagnoses of chlamydia and gonorrhea infections has tripled compared to 2012. It is mainly infections in the Paris region. and Provence. Both regions are popular among Dutch holidaymakers.

Bacteria from chlamydia and gonorrhea cause contamination of the urethra, anus, throat or cervix and are transmitted by sex

started with the catchy slogan "A condom can save your life". It mainly addresses young people and takes place via Youtube, Facebook and other social media.

Previous research shows that condom use among French youth is low. 48% of students and 20% of high school students admit not always using a condom.


The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises vacationers to be well prepared when they travel. "And if you are at your destination: keep your head." Read the travel advice, as the GGD prepares, "says the ministry against AD.

The GGD says that he is worried about development and that he is happy with the French countryside. There is a special site for sex traveling with tips and advice.

Do it again safely!

We do not always love safer. SOA Aids Nederland is worried and thinks it's high time for a new Veili Veilig campaign. The old movies of information are quite dated, so how to bring people back to the condom?

RTL Nieuws

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