AzG: The Ebola outbreak worsens in Congo and now makes 118 dead


The aid organization Doctors Without Borders reports that the Ebola epidemic in northeastern Congo is not yet under control. According to the humanitarian organization, the number of infected people is steadily increasing

The disease broke out in August in the border area between Uganda and Rwanda. Since then, 202 people have been diagnosed with the virus, of which 118 are now dead, reports AzG.

MSF vaccinated some 17,000 people and also contributed to the burial of those who died as a result of the disease. Virus contamination occurs through direct contact, but the Ebola virus can also spread at funerals when loved ones have intensive contact with the body of deceased family members.


According to the humanitarian organization, it is essential to gain the trust of the people. and provide good information to remove Ebola. Hilde De Clerck, Ebola specialist, who has just returned from the country, said the population was worried and mistrustful of carers. "People think that patients in Ebola treatment centers are killed or at least helped to die, and there are still rumors of Westerners or other groups stealing organs or blood or transmitting the disease. Some people believe that the infectious disease is nothing new: the best answer is good information. "

In 2007, a serious ebola epidemic was also reported in the Congo, while there were about 200 victims. In 2014, West Africa was affected by the virus. In total, more than 11,000 people died, the majority in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

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