Babies are dead looking for UMC Amsterdam


The University Medical Center in Amsterdam has immediately terminated a study on pregnant women because it appears that babies with severe growth retardation may die after birth. It concerns the test of a drug given to pregnant women to determine if the placenta can develop.

No positive effect

Half of the women (about ninety) received sildenafil, better known as Viagra. The other half received placebo tablets. According to a spokesperson, in the first group, nineteen prematurely born babies died. Nine stunted babies died in the second group.

The study of this drug was started because foreign studies have shown that it could have a positive effect on the growth of babies to come. The hospital is now shutting down because he discovered that he had no positive effect, according to a spokesman.

Lung Disease

The number of babies who developed sildenafil-related lung disease is, according to the spokesperson, "significantly" higher. . "The chances of a disease of the blood vessels of the lungs seem to be greater and the risk of death after birth seems to have increased."

The study focused on pregnant women whose babies had severe growth limitation in early pregnancy, with poor prospects for the child. Until now, according to the hospital, there is no known therapy to help these babies grow up.

According to him, mothers are now almost all informed. "All the women concerned are accompanied as well as possible by the doctors involved in the study.The Health and Youth Inspection (IGJ) was also informed." UMC of Amsterdam, ten other hospitals participated in the study.

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