Bad marriage has a negative effect on your health


A Bad Marriage Full of Conflict Can Seriously Have Serious Negative Consequences on Your Health

Nevada and Michigan University Psychologists conclude after a long-term search of 373 heterosexual couples . "We followed married couples for the first sixteen years of their marriage and compared the subjective health of men and women, who had many conflicts with those who did not quarrel," says researcher Rosie Shrout

. had a negative effect on the health of men and women, but the impact on men was greater. Couples who have accepted more often at the beginning of their relationship have experienced health benefits, but this protective effect has decreased in recent years.

Relationship conflicts can lead to inflammation, less appetite and a higher rate of cortisol. This can have consequences for, among other things, heart health and the immune system, as other research has already shown

Previous studies have consistently highlighted the benefits of marriage on the health. This research nuances this image. "It is not the wedding itself that is good for the health, it is what the partners do for each other during the wedding," adds Shrout.

She adds: "The conflict is particularly bad when the spouses are hostile or defensive, they disagree or argue incessantly over the same subject without solution."

Source (s): The Guardian

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