A balcony was demolished from a Westindischekade building in Groningen on Wednesday morning
The apartment whose balcony fell on Wednesday morning at five o'clock, is located on the second floor of the building. building.
There were no casualties. Meanwhile, the space under all the balconies is fenced.
The rented houses have been recently renovated and have central heating and double glazing. The balconies have not been renovated. A resident says that the occupant of the affected apartment complained about the condition of the balcony. In vain. She claims that the balconies are all in poor condition. "The balconies are no longer safe.If you look closely you will see that they are torn and sagging." She is shocked. "For the same price, someone had sunk."
"Environment cheap and beautiful "
Residents reacted with dread to the incident Mr. Hillebrand (70 years old) lived in the apartment for 18 years, the house pleases him well. ,,, Inexpensive, 231 euros a month, and a beautiful setting, here on the water. "
,, you should not walk below that," he says. "Ugly lapel for Lefier. Something special will probably have happened, they will not all fall. "
An upstairs neighbor who goes out with his dog was not disturbed by the fact.He also used his balcony as usual.The balcony that fell broken down, was found on the balcony of the apartment below.The resident heard noise in the morning.
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