Beautiful summer for 154 young scientists


Salafist Qur'anic Interpretations, Killer Robots and Depressed Women … 154 young scientists, including 10 from VU and 1 from VUmc, are allowed to start their NWO research grant with a Veni grant of up to 250,000 euros .

Up to 1115 scientists have submitted an application for coveted Veni subsidies, reports the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). More than 86% of applicants fish behind the net. It may be the last time the NWO has to disappoint so many scientists, because the research funder is trying to curb the "application pressure" and has come up with new rules

Jan and Alleman

have: the promise of a university that they can actually start with their scholarship there. NWO hopes universities will not offer this guarantee to Jan and everyone so that only real candidates can submit a proposal and others will not waste their time. It was different until now. With the motto "it does not work, it does not hurt," any scientist could in principle apply. The winners could then go to the university of their choice with their scholarship.

Money Bag

"If someone hits with a sackcloth, the university says of course: come on. Such a person does not have any money. Is never denied, "said NWO President Stan Gielen last fall. "But if the research is over and it's not integrated with the university itself, then the scientist has to leave.This leads to a lot of frustration." The chance of success should be of about one in four, Gielen said in the same interview, and not one in seven, as is customary in the meantime.

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