Blok wants to catch up with officials after controversial statements about integration NOW


"I realize that these statements also establish personal contact with colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which I honestly find very boring," the minister wrote Friday in a letter to officials of his department. "The reactions that I'm doing now, I take them as seriously."

Minister Blok also writes that his employees can count on him to continue working with them and "with dedication and enthusiasm" on Dutch foreign policy.

The Minister's message follows a letter from Foreign Office officials to Blok. In the letter, in the hands of NOS the officials point out to the minister that the ministry is lagging behind with the care of people with a bicultural background.

According to the officials, this may be due in part to the fact that the groups do not see the ministry as an organization where they could feel at home. Public servants want everyone in this ministry to feel safe and valued.


The timing of the officials is remarkable. Although the letter does not immediately address Blok's statements, there are references to the question that Minister VVD is pursuing in recent days. They write, for example, that diplomacy is based on the fact that different nations and cultures can cooperate peacefully and live together.

Blok made his statements a week ago at a meeting for the Dutch working in international organizations. Images of this were released Wednesday by the program Zembla .

He said among other things not to know a peaceful multicultural or multiethnic society. He also stated that it would be genetically determined that different population groups could not bind each other. He also stated that Suriname was a failed state and that he did not believe that EU member states in Eastern Europe would accept refugees. because they are "literally beaten".


this week in a letter to the House to regret that his statements offended. In the letter, he does not distance himself from his statements and states that he used "words too sharp".

For SP and PvdA, Blok's explanation was insufficient. The left parties want the Recreation Chamber to ask Blok for clarification.

However, the coalition parties VVD, CDA, D66 and CU do not like it. They think that Blok's "apology letter" is sufficient. A possible debate after the summer holidays will not be blocked by the VVD, D66 and CU.

The leader of D66, Alexander Pechtold, has stopped in recent days, but on Friday night he reacted to Jinek for the first time. He calls Blok Shabby's statements with the "depth of a surfboard". He wants to know if the minister regrets his statements or regrets the controversy to come.

"He is now only 2-0 behind," says Pechtold.

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