Blood pressure medications removed from commerce due to pollution


A number of blood pressure medications containing the active substance valsartan are recalled. The pills are contaminated with the substance NDMA, which is probably carcinogenic.

Drugs containing valsartan are prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, for the treatment of patients having recently suffered a heart attack and for the treatment of heart failure.

in China

The recall only concerns drugs containing valsartan manufactured in a factory in China, reports the Inspectorate of Health Care and Youth

All Member States, in consultation with the European Medicines Agency EMA, have decided on these drugs

The risk is low

The likelihood that the patient actually develops cancer when the contaminated drug is used is low, which shows a first European analysis. This chance is, according to the RIVM, comparable to the additional risk of cancer due to the regular consumption of roast meat.

Medicines are recalled as a precaution by pharmacists. The professional associations and the patient associations concerned were informed of the recall.

The inspection published an overview of drugs withdrawn from the market on the site

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