Brothers find more than a hundred Roman coins in Berlicum | Now


Two brothers found more than a hundred Roman coins in Berlicum, in Flemish Brabant, announced Monday the agency promoting the cultural heritage of the Netherlands. The department did long-term research on the soil and the discovery.

Wim and Nico van Schaijk have already found the pieces a year ago with their metal detector. They made their discovery near Aa, near Berlicum (municipality of Sint-Michielsgestel).

It is 4 deniers in silver and 103 sestertii and ashes mainly in bronze. The expert Liesbeth Claes noted that they had been beaten by Emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD) at the time of Emperor Vespasian (69 AD). A.D.).

It is clear that the pieces are long in a humid environment. have located. It is possible that the Romans threw them at a point of passage in the water as a kind of sacrifice for a safe passage.

On the site where they were found, terracotta objects surfaced. Additional research is underway on parts. Their destination remains to be determined.

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