Cabinet gives $ 10 million to fight AIDS NOW


Money goes to the fight against AIDS, for example in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and West and North Africa. In these areas, the virus seizes itself

Minister Sigrid Kaag announced the additional contribution at the international AIDS2018 conference in Amsterdam. More than fifteen thousand scientists, policy makers, activists and politicians meet to discuss solutions to the global AIDS epidemic.

The British Prince Harry and Conchita Wurst, former Eurovision winner, also HIV-positive, attend the 22nd edition of the conference. The meeting lasts until Friday

A protest march was held in the center of Amsterdam before the official opening. This has prompted activists, including Princess Mabel, to pay attention to access to HIV medications and to the discrimination and stigmatization of people living with HIV.


The Netherlands already spends about 430 million euros to protect people in developing countries against the dangers of sex, pregnancy and childbirth. The government is now doing something to improve the protection or treatment of vulnerable groups in areas where HIV is spreading.

Combatants warn that there has been less money for the fight against AIDS in recent years. Kaag is not going fast enough either. She sees "progress, but HIV continues to spread." She now calls "the necessary political dedication and action"

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