Cast Vessels at Botlekbrug – RTV Rijnmond


Two ships were sunk on the Oude Maas at Botlekbrug on Friday morning. This is a tugboat and its tow, a sailboat. The two crew members of the tug were rescued by a dinghy, reports the Rotterdam-Rijnmond security region.

It went wrong around 7:45 at the bridge. One of the ships made water and shot the other person in the depths.

The captain and another member of the tug crew went into the water. A lifeboat saved both. They were checked on the side by the ambulance staff and ultimately did not have to go to the hospital.

The way in which the accident could occur should emerge from other research. Perhaps there are also used camera images that hang around the Botlek Bridge.

The owner of the tug, the Mustang, is the Zwijndrechtse Sharondi bv. The owner says that he is particularly relieved that no one was injured in the accident. "In addition, there are mountains and an insurance problem," he says.

According to Rijkswaterstaat, the tug must be recovered as quickly as possible. "The tug has been completely refueled and we need to prevent this oil from entering the water." The tug owner's insurance company was asked to make a plan of action as soon as possible. If the company does not get along with it today, then Rijkswaterstaat will take care of the ship itself.

The bridge is otherwise available for shipping and road traffic. According to the authority of the Port of Rotterdam, the vessels are outside the waterway mark. "Passing ships have to adjust their speed, but there is no blockage," spokesman Tie Schellekens reports.

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