Clock ticks Q-fever for the last vaccinated


Vaccination of goats for Q fever may continue for a few days before August 1st. Veterinarian Sebastian Claessens from Dierenartsenpraktijk Midden-Brabant is ready, another third of entrepreneurs.

The veterinary practice of Claessens has already vaccinated almost all the goats of the customers in April or May. "That must always be done in the year, that's why we respond as well." We also support farmers. "

Veterinarians benefit from early vaccinations this year. "There is always a chance of intervention. Thermal stress can reinforce this reaction. In addition, goats are increasing production in April and May, and the decline as a result of an intervention is less. "

The last weeks of July are only lambs older than 3 months, and they must be vaccinated twice with an interval of three weeks.


Goat herders are legally obliged to vaccinate their Q fever animals every year before August 1. The figures that the government ( highlights and follow, show that a large number of goat farmers have not yet been

"There are still a few days left to do this," says Jeannette, LTO Director of Fri. About one-third of the professional goat farmers have not been vaccinated yet. "I invite them to do so. and to register with "According to the Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority, it will do so.

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