Companies and Societies Jointly Investigate Heart Disease and Stroke


Scientists at University Medical Centers (PMUs) and companies jointly launch eight studies on the treatment of stroke and heart disease. To stimulate research, the government organization Health Holland has awarded a grant of more than $ 2 million. The Heart Foundation chose projects.

"Our goal is that we develop treatment methods that physicians can apply in practice," says Marina Senten, Head of Alliances, Science and Innovation at Heart Foundation. Companies are searching with scientists if they can solve a medical problem with technical knowledge. For example, they use software to predict the rupture of blood vessels. They are also developing new implantable devices that temporarily increase heart rate to prevent cardiac arrest.

Concrete Improvements

End users of research findings, such as caregivers, patients, and their loved ones, participated in the evaluation of grant applications. . "We think it's important because the research results do not automatically find their way to the clinic or health practice," says Senten. "For example, the social quality committee, in which end-users are represented, assesses whether the research results are already taken into account during the research and we want to make sure that the knowledge from the scientific research leads to better results. concrete improvements.

The collaborative project was funded with the PPP allocation made available by Topsector Life Sciences & Health to the Heart Foundation to stimulate public-private partnerships.

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