Court more highly secure for Rico Chile than for Holleeder Interior


The first hearing in the criminal case against the man suspected, among others, of directing a criminal organization, drug trafficking and the laundering of some seven million euros, was surrounded by extensive security measures.

] The trial of Rico de Chilean is maintained

For the cases for which Rico de Chile is currently being sued, these measures seem a little exaggerated, but for the leader in the underground world of Amsterdam for which the prosecution judge, it is more understandable. ] The case against Chilean's Rico is then against Naoufal & # 39; Noffel & # 39; F. the second against a leader of the violent cocaine case of Amsterdam. It is not excluded that the prosecution raises the number of suspicions in connection with the investigation, which is far from over.

Rico R. was arrested by the Chilean authorities at the request of the Netherlands in October and extradited to the Netherlands. He is trapped in the extra secure Vught facility. According to the public prosecutor, he is said to have held the "Jumping Fun" position in Oostzaan, the now bankrupt company of his sister and brother-in-law. From there, Rico R. sent the members of his criminal organization to "missions", according to the public prosecutor

Barrels with cocaine residues

At Jumping Fun, barrels were found containing cocaine residues . The prosecution had to admit that it was not yet possible to link concrete deliveries of drugs to Rico R. However, large amounts of money were found. According to prosecutor Leon van Kleef, the prosecutor's office "has thrown a safety net and put all kinds of crabs that might have to do with drug trafficking," he added. "

Not to be bound

According to counsel, Rico also can not connect Chile to the discovery of weapons in a house and in a car.

The prosecutor however says that There is a lot of information The criminal intelligence team of the police, who classify Rico R. in the extreme violence related to firearms.The court felt that there were reasons sufficient to temporarily keep Rico R. behind bars

The case will go on September 25.

The background treatment will not take place until 2019.

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