Proponent of the pseudo-scientist of the far right Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has threatened death of several teachers of the University of Amsterdam, as a result of the death penalty. an appeal to the university leaders that they take a stand against the arrival of Peterson
Peterson – the ideologue of the incel movement (boys who can not find any girlfriend and therefore stuck in an inferiority complex here in Tokyo) – was invited by the Room for Discussion academic discussion platform for an interview. . The added value of providing a platform for a crypto-fascist and hateful pseudo-scientist is not obvious at first sight, but it seems to have something to do with the liberal illusions about The Debate and The Marketplace of Ideas.
Peterson immediately informed the critics of what they thought of freedom of expression and civilized debate:
What are you doing as a good citizen in such a case? You present yourself to the police, who – it must be said – answered promptly and informally that no one in Amsterdam-Hermandad is interested in a nut. Which act.
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