Cut button on vaccination against maternal pertussis


Secretary of State Blokhuis also made a decision regarding the implementation of vaccination in pregnant women against whooping cough. He decided that health care for young people can better accomplish this task.

"Youth health professionals are already familiar with the national immunization program and are used to providing information on and answering questions about immunizations, and for pregnant women who are expecting a first child, care is needed. health for young people are usually new, but for pregnant women who are waiting for a future child, health care for young people is known, especially for vaccinations, "says Blokhuis

. a standard addition to the National Immunization Program.This is not a vaccination of children, but of pregnant women, so that the infant is protected from whooping cough from birth.

Obstetric practitioners (obstetricians, gynecologists and active general practitioners) are the possible practitioners.In recent months, two meetings have been held with representatives of fools midwifery providers and health care for young people. From these interviews, it appears that both scenarios are possible. Both scenarios have advantages and disadvantages, for example, proximity to the pregnant woman, knowledge and familiarity with pregnancy or knowledge and familiarity with vaccination and continuity of care regarding pregnancy or the national program of vaccination


I also asked the RIVM to propose a real budget. At the same time, I informed the parties that two years after implementation, I would conduct an evaluation of the vaccination strategy, which also looks at the costs. In both scenarios, the estimated costs of implementation are more or less the same.

The assessment I had to make concerned the choice of the organization of maternal vaccination closer to the pregnant woman versus the maternal vaccination to the current implementation of the National Immunization Program with years experience in the field of vaccination.

Implementation in juvenile health

All in all, I decided to invest in maternal pertussis vaccination. The doctor of youth cq. The youth health care nurse for young people already has knowledge about the national immunization program and has a habit of giving information about vaccinations and answering questions on this topic. For pregnant women who are expecting a first child, health care for young people is usually new, but for pregnant women who are waiting for their next child, health care for young people is known, as is a place of vaccination [19659003] the pregnant woman, so that the infant is protected from whooping cough from birth. The parties concerned intend to start offering this vaccination to all pregnant women next year.

Source: Rijksoverheid

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