De Betuwe – Activity: Will the doctor be digital?


Monday, October 29 at 19:30

at 9:30 pm.


Photo: Radboudumc

Digital is everywhere. We do online banking, we scan ourselves at the supermarket and book a trip on our smartphone. It does not seem so difficult in health. The hospital sends letters with the courier and you make an appointment for each interview. But health care is also digitizing quickly.

Region – The online file is growing and more and more patients can visit their doctor via the Internet. We use apps and other gadgets to find out if we live in good health. In America, the hospital is already moving to the supermarket. What can we expect from each other? Will we still need doctors in the future?

Be present in the evening & # 39; Day Doctor … & # 39; to discuss digital changes in health care. Researcher Tom van de Belt explains how people are increasingly monitoring their own health with smart devices and why it's so important to share their data for scientific research. Gynecologist Joris van Drongelen explains how pregnant women can share information with their midwives via an app. And GP Henk Schers explores a future in which patients can consult their digital doctor's assistant 24/7. The evening will be directed in the right direction by Bart Kiemeney, director of the Institute of Biological Sciences. Health Radboud

Admission is free, please register via evening

Stakeholders [19659000] Tom van de Belt is a biomedical scientist who is passionate about helping patients, caregivers and researchers with innovative digital solutions.

Joris van Drongelen is a gynecologist and specializes in the treatment and support of pregnant women, especially in complicated pregnancies

. Henk Schers is a general practitioner in Nijmegen-Lent and also works as a research scientist at Radboudumc.

Bart Kiemeney is Professor of Cancer Epidemiology and Scientific Director of the Radboud Institute of Health Sciences since 2012.


Radboudumc Auditorium

Geert Grooteplein 21


Time: 19h30 to 21h30 (entrance from 19 hours).

Or ganization

A "day doctor" is organized by the Radboud Institute of Health Sciences, one of the research institutes of the Radboud University Medical Center. Researchers from the Radboud Institute of Health Sciences contribute to the functioning and innovations applicable to health care.

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