Do not be crazy. Make the sign check!



Have you ever had a tick bite? Due to global warming, signs are more and more common. You can meet them anywhere in the wild, so not just when you move into the forest. Even if you work in the garden, take a walk or play outside. And you can become sick of a tick
That's why it's important for you to know what you need to do to prevent tick diseases. Make it a habit to check yourself and others. The sooner the tick is removed, the smaller the chance of Lyme disease. Check the knees, groin, buttocks, hairline, belly button, armpits and toes to check the drawing. These are the favorite places of ticks!

Did you find a tick? Remove the tick calmly and in a fluid motion. Write when you are bitten and keep an eye on the spot for a month. Go to your doctor (home) if a wider circle develops around the sting or if you experience flu-like symptoms.
Record your tick bite via or via the TekenNet app to help you find ticks and tick diseases.

More tips on ticks and tick bites can be found at

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