Doubt when used properly analgesics


Painkillers are widely used in patients with chronic disease

Chronic patients use many painkillers, but do not know enough. This can cause serious side effects. This is evident in the annual launch of the Pijnpeiling Institute for Responsible Drug Use (IVM) commissioned by the Centraal Drogisterijbedrijven Office (CBD). A large majority needs the advice of experts in the store. A considerable proportion of patients are not satisfied either that paracetamol (1000 mg) is paid before January 1st.

Analgesics are often used by people with chronic diseases. Much of the drug task force is made up of people with chronic illness. Half of the survey respondents take painkillers that they can buy themselves, for example at the pharmacy. 40% do not know that painkillers can have serious side effects and about half do not have the knowledge to safely use combinations of painkillers. According to Ruud Coolen van Brakel, director of the IVM, a disturbing and optimistic picture: "It is positive that a large part of the respondents are open to the board, even from the chemist, and even from the he is not solicited. "

Correct the provision of information is a prerequisite for the free availability of painkillers
Three quarters consider it important to have an expert staff at the pharmacy to give advice on the purchase and proper use of painkillers. And nearly 80% appreciate it when the chemist (unsolicited) warns of the risks. According to the majority of panel members, providing quality information is an important condition for the free availability of resources. This confirms the IVM's plea to prohibit the sale of heavy painkillers in supermarkets lacking a pharmaceutical or pharmacy assistant.

Paracetamol of the insurance package
A significant proportion of patients with chronic disease. not satisfied with the recovery of paracetamol (1000 mg) relatively safe painkiller of insurance from 1 January of next year. More than a quarter would ask the doctor for a different remedy – or money back – if they used this medication. If the doctor accepted this treatment, the use of riskier and heavier analgesics, such as NSAIDs, would increase.

D rogist
The drug industry thinks it's very important that painkillers be used safely and correctly. the second year in a row. This year, the focus has been put not only on substantive knowledge about painkillers, but also on the experience of pain and views on the free availability of painkillers. Last year, we overestimated our knowledge and underestimated the risks. This year, a large majority say they need advice on the risks and side effects of pharmacy.

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Original Title: Original Title: Title of Original Text : : a lot of doubt when using painkillers properly
Target group: Health Professionals
Date: 2018-11-10

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