"Due to the permanent summer time, the Netherlands would slip in the wrong direction"


European Member States will have to decide for themselves the time they use and the summer time or the winter time. If it is for the European Commission, each country must have elected next year, but that seems unrealistic. The Dutch government announced last week that it was unlikely that the Netherlands would succeed.

The government also believes that the plans are too vague. Minister Ollongren has decided that in the Netherlands, a sort of survey will be conducted among a small group of people. This is not binding; the Cabinet ends up understanding the problem.

Other countries

The discussion is also taking place in other European countries. In Belgium, the government welcomes plans to abolish the annual resistance of the clock, but it does not yet know what fixed time is the best. As in the Netherlands, there is a plebiscite in Belgium. Belgian Prime Minister Michel has already announced that the decision will be taken with the Netherlands and Luxembourg, so that the time in the Benelux remains the same.

In Spain, there is no discussion on a single region, said his correspondent Rop Zoutberg. "Even if people want to keep the long summer evenings". According to Zoutberg, the debates coincide with those around the abolition of the nap.

The Germans seem to have turned to a permanent summer time, as revealed by a poll in August. 3.1 million Germans participated. The majority opted for the suppression of the clock and a permanent summer time. Chancellor Merkel is also very much in favor of a fixed deadline.

In the United Kingdom, nothing seems to change at the moment. Due to brexit, the British probably do not have to choose and everything remains unchanged. In Ireland, which will soon be part of the European Union, a plebiscite will be held on the subject. British and Irish politicians have already stated that they did not want Ireland and Northern Ireland to end up in another time zone.

Morocco has already made its decision

In Morocco, no EU member, no plebiscite was needed. to reset the clock. The government decided Friday to hold summer time all year long because, according to them, the transition from summer to winter would have unpleasant consequences.

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