Dutch pedophile for life in a Filipino cell


Joep M., 70, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Filipino judge. He received this punishment for child abuse and human trafficking. The Dutch police cooperated with colleagues in the Philippines to make the criminal case against the child sexist as thorough as possible and to proceed with the arrest.

The citizen of Amsterdam has abused his daughters for ten and fourteen years for years. The older of them had to go through there for five years. M. is also unknown in the Netherlands. He was previously unmasked by Peter R. de Vries. Ironically, he claimed to be a "pedal hunter".

A notorious child molester

M. was sentenced in 2006 for the sexual abuse of children with physical and mental disabilities. He has gained the trust of parents and children by acting as a therapist. When he was released in 2008, he tried to create a daycare. Because of his past with sexual offenses, this was immediately labeled as suspicious. With the permission of former Mayor Job Cohen, parents were warned by the police about the man and his horrible past.

Then Joep M. disappeared from the radar. It only resurfaced in 2012 when he tried the same trick as in 2008 in the Philippines. Through a contact announcement, the Amsterdammer was looking for a "young woman, preferably with children" to create an orphanage in the Asian archipelago. "Joep and helpless kids, you understand that alarms go off among detectives." "Nothing to do was of course not an option for us," according to Amsterdam Mirjam police detective

] Arrest

The inspectors closely monitored Mr. in the years that followed, and in September 2015 the attacker was arrested by the Filipinos.After being alarmed by the Dutch police, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) turned out to have not learned from her mistakes and still abusing children, lying naked in bed with both teens when the police found her to be treated at the school. hospital because of injuries to their genitals, and during subsequent court proceedings it became apparent that he had more to do with his crime, and in April of this year he was also convicted of Human Trafficking The World of Work It is becoming more and more intense in the fight against sex tourism, and the national team of child pornography and sex tourism is trying pedophiles in the Netherlands. and be in the necklace all over the world. The arrest and prosecution of Joep M. would not have occurred without this cooperation or only much later. Judges Judges Bob and Mirjam are satisfied with the verdict. Bob: "Everywhere in the world, together, we do our best to ensure that men like Joep M. are not born from dance."

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