Ebola outbreak in Congo under control NOW


The disease spread from April in northwestern Congo, but no new cases of infection have been known for 42 days.

The disease has killed 33 people since April.

April was the ninth epidemic since the spread of the disease for the first time in 1976. Five of these outbreaks had occurred in Congo since 2012.

An unregistered vaccine, the so-called VSV EBOV vaccination, was used against the spread of the Ebola virus. 3,300 people received the vaccine.

Officially, the vaccine was not yet released, but the Congo government had given permission to use the vaccine


Ebola is often native to rural areas, near wild animals. The virus was probably transferred from the animal to humans in 2013 by the bite of a bat. But feces and other bodily fluids from wildlife can also cause contamination.

The outbreak also started in the countryside, in Bikoro town.

Once a human being is infected, the virus can also be human to the human being. Contact with open wounds and mucous membranes and other bodily fluids can cause an infection.


The first symptoms of Ebola are fever, muscle aches, headaches and sore throats. Then come vomiting, rash, diarrhea and kidney and liver failure. In some cases, internal and external bleeding may occur

Between infection and the sensation of early symptoms may be 2 to 21 days. This period is called the incubation period. In this period, people are not contagious.

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