Editor of children's books in hand in a free anti-vaccination movement


The KRO-NCRV De Monitor research program this week addressed the risks of so-called alternatives to vaccination. The Dutch Association for Critical Sting (NVKP) and many homeopaths with them are not only skeptical about vaccination, but also offer an alternative to the parents concerned: homeopathic prophylaxis, an almost infinite dilution of the blood pressure. pathogen or other substance.

He writes about this: "If you want to prevent your child from getting mumps, measles, whooping cough, or any other infectious disease and you do not want to vaccinate your child, it is about A method that offers as effective protection as vaccination and guarantees without the harmful effects of vaccines. " According to a study by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the NVKP plays an important role in the debate on immunization. The website of the association is in the top 4 sites visited by parents to learn about vaccinations. In the Netherlands, no medical claim can be made for a homeopathic product, but as homeopaths do not name drugs by name, but by the generic term "homeopathic prophylaxis", there seems to be little to do.

The Monitor therefore investigated. : Can homeopaths justify their claims? Can you effectively prevent diseases with homeopathic granules? Or is it just dangerous? Jean Christoph Boele van Hensbroek is also interviewed, director of the publishing house Lemniscaat. In addition to the extremely popular children's books of Thea Beckman and Jan Terlouw, Lemniscaat has a very different portfolio: anti-vaccination books. Books indicating that vaccinations have many adverse effects that are routinely ignored by health authorities. Homeopathy is considered an alternative to traditional medicine. For example, you might be dealing with presumed (and often refuted) "injury to vaccination" (such as autism).

The books are largely filled with unproven theories, for which there is no evidence that the fear of vaccination is fueled. Scheibner [auteur en fossielenkenner, red.] is the most bitter. She thinks, for example, that she should "let all parents share their current knowledge about the pros and cons of vaccination, so they can see the dangers and know how effective vaccines are not effective". You can also protect children with homeopathy: The homeopathic principles have been tested in practice for about 180 years and their scientific validity has been proven undeniably. "

The presenter Teun van de Keuken wants van Boele van Hensbroek to know if he wants it" if the whole of the Netherlands read this book and the half of the Netherlands say: I stop to vaccinate. "

Boele van Hensbroek replies:" I do not agree with that. Do you know what's going on? Then there will be a big discussion. If half of the Netherlands does not want more, you suddenly get: Damn, what are we really doing? Why do we force people to stop talking? How is it really? And then we'll think about it better and maybe create a situation where the government will fund independent research. "

Boele van Hoensbroek also deals with opinions without any facts about diseases.For example, he says that whooping cough is not" as dangerous as everyone thinks "and, about Measles, he states: "A whole generation of people contracted measles, there is nothing wrong with measles!" The children's book publisher is also convinced that vaccinations can cause Autism, a common fable of the anti-vaccination movement that has been refuted scientifically just as often.Affective in the anti-vaxxeurs

The Dutch Pediatric Association (NVK) called the service of 39; health inspection to take action against the homeopathic alternative to vaccination

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