Edwin Renzen, the team leader: "It's unfair. It hurts & # 39;


When did you see that we had to throw the sponge in the ring?

& # 39; & # 39; Friday, end of the afternoon. I looked at the numbers: there are more weeks to come. And only money comes out, just more. Additional costs, no income. We managed to reduce wages once. But that can not be maintained. Then you must be honest with your colleagues and all the people we have worked with so successfully: child care services, suppliers, partners. There is no perspective and we have no chance. It's done. "

& # 39; & # 39; When I concluded that there was no other way out than a bankruptcy, we listened to it's life & # 39; s life & # 39; s life & # 39; from Frank Sinatra. It's like that. We were already together, at the end of the month in a restaurant, to eat and drink. I was two hours late. Like the word high. "That's it, we're screwed up." Everyone was broken in. Me too.It's unfair.It's life.I cried last week. It hurts. "

After the Oss accident, you have been trying to cope for a long time. To put the relay back on the road. When did you see that it would be very difficult?

& # 39; & # 39; On Monday, we had a meeting at the ministry. I was hoping for solutions. We had a comprehensive plan prepared with experts and experts. And with the support of the industry, we could go out together. I explained that the conclusions of the inspection were not correct. As we did before the suspension. I've thrown everything on the table. I had taken the insurer to show that there was no indication of defects in the maintenance and incident history. But it was not a conversation. It was an exchange of views. They wanted to wait for the exams. On the opinions. And in the spring, look for new rules. I do not have that time. "

" "Do not be fooled: the problem is not gone, the whole sector has to deal with it, schools, daycares, parents … Soon it will rain again and the weather will be bad. And then there are taxis, vans and cars and the visibility is mediocre.And then there are hummels around, just do a probability calculation of what it does with security. "


"There is a reluctance.The honest story is not told.The facts are hidden and things are distorted.I feel that it is not about me or the relay I found myself in a very bad movie, I think something else went wrong on the other side with the rules, the supervision and the laws They are not open about it, they try to get rid of it, I've been open, about everything, I believe in this, learn from your mistakes, work together on solutions, I thought the Netherlands were so organized that the government worked like that, but it's not like that, I feel bad about it. "

Do you think you've been destroyed?

"I am an entrepreneur I always think in terms of opportunities, solutions Next steps That you are responsible yourself and can put things in your hands But this game does not have to could not be won Not against the inspection of the human environment and transport (ILT) The day of the accident occurred in Oss, they discover that they have to watch They did not know relay, they did not know the regulations of the special moped.We have never seen anyone from the ILT; they had been welcome because then we could have talked about everything.In almost 7 years that the relay is on the road, we have had no inspection.Nothing anyone ever said what could or should be done better.Nobody.If you call it upsetting: yes. "

Is there anything else we did not know?

"I do not know, I do not think so, I've heard that the ILT is checking everything in. Suddenly, inspectors with ILT tickets are inspecting everywhere. They do their best to find incidents Gedoetjes To make the passage even more controversial Sow more doubt Do you see that something is wrong? Preferably for Thursday, before the verdict of the judge and the debate at the House of Representatives, they do it I'm done with that. "

You said earlier about the drama in Oss: I feel involved, but not responsible.

"It's like that, I'm involved, we've come up with a safe, innovative, and environmentally friendly product seven years ago that brought a solution to a social problem, for safe transportation, I'm not a global promoter, I have not brought the world closer to peace, but we wanted to be relevant, with a solution that matters.This dream is now in ruins. if you still believe it, like me: all the image is contaminated. "

If you were to say something to the parents of the Oss children, to the relay supervisor, what would you do what then?

Silence. "It's terrible .. Terrible That I can only wish them strength." "

And what if it turned out soon that there was a technical failure? [19659002]"I do not believe that. We have strong suspicion that the relay is immobilized on the runway. That the brake worked. While the ILT suggests that he was "fugitive". There are pictures of the camera of the train. He has the ILT. But we do not hear about it. But if it turned out that there was a problem, we would have liked to know it and learn from it. But we can not reconcile it on the basis of everything we know about our own product. "

Yourself has a negative experience with relay

" Good. July 2nd, 2015. Our daughter was two years old and my wife was 31 weeks pregnant. She fell unhappy from the relay, broke her leg and clavicle and became unconscious. Head to the hospital with the ambulance. The baby did not move anymore. At first we were afraid that our son would not succeed. He did it and everything is fine. It was a long and difficult period. "

This year was also a year of horror, you told me earlier.

" It's a weird year. A rollercoaster.I got sick at the end of last year.The doctor thought it was a flu.I was getting worse.Later, it appeared that I had a double. Pneumonia and kidney failure I have been out of the running for months, and in April I started to work cautiously, and in July one of our colleagues was beaten to death in Utrecht. Always. "

" And then came Oss., September 20, 2018. Just seven years after the inspection of the first pass to the Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer. was terrible and all that followed Did you know that: you have a nightmare, you wake up and you realize: fortunately, it was only a bad dream.After Oss, I woke up the next days, with my kids around me, then it's exactly the opposite that's happened. The nightmare was not a dream but a reality. The nightmare was the real story and I was in the middle of it. "

How to proceed?

" I have to catch my breath, and then go back to work, I want to work, I want to contribute again, do something relevant, like We had already started with the relay, but first of all, my wife and children have hardly seen me in the last few weeks, and when I am in my son's room, he closes the door. I know what it says: Daddy, stay in. I gave everything I had in me, but now I have to give time and attention to what is really important in the life: the ones I love. "

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