Eight years in prison and charges against a pianist who mistreated the Reverend


Tricht piano tuner aged 50 who allegedly severely ill-treated a reverend of Rhenoy (Geldermalsen municipality) with a hammer, if the public prosecutor had eight years in prison and the SCT a compulsory treatment. The man is suspected of attempted murder. According to the prosecutor, he is less responsible and the chances of repetition are great.

Reverend Ebi Wassenaar had an appointment with the tuner almost a year ago. Because she stayed away for a long time, the minister's roommate went to see Wassenaar in a pool of blood. She was hit in the head with a hammer. The hospital showed that she had a cerebral hemorrhage. Wassenaar is paralyzed to half-party since the assault and totally dependent on others.

Shortly after, officers provided first aid to an injured man found on a farm near Wadenoijen. It turned out to be the suspect of serious abuse who had a heart attack. He was finally in a coma for a month. DNA traces of the minister were found on the piano sleeve, but he denied abusing Wassenaar.

Suspicious search terms

The judge told him that he had searched on his laptop for search terms such as "gas explosion". , "What's the hardness of a skull," "can you kill someone with a hammer?" Whenever the judge confronted him, the suspect said, "A little weird, it's not okay, I can not beat anyone," reports Gelderland's Omroep.

The pianist had on his bus the newspaper of the minister in which he was. about this in the backyard: "It is not possible." His aunt said that he had come home in panic and had shouted: "This is not possible. is completely wrong, I made a mistake. "He also said about it this afternoon:" It does not matter. "

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