Elna – Oerend Smart | 100,000 pounds to lose weight


Relatively speaking, the heaviest people in Spain live in Galicia. Due to the rainy climate of the coastal region, the inhabitants are very much in the interior. In addition, the cuisine of the region is known for its fatty foods and huge portions. Thanks to the proximity of the Atlantic, people ate a lot of fish here, but it costs more and more. Many people have pork on the menu every day (from chorizo ​​to rumen), in addition to large quantities of bread and eggs. The result: many Galicians are too big. This is also the case in Narón, a mid-sized provincial town. Of the approximately 40,000 inhabitants, 3,000 are obese. In addition, 9,000 people in the area are overweight.

How do you get rid of those extra pounds? According to Carlos Piñeiro, a general practitioner in Narón, an individual approach does not always work. You have to lose weight together, is his motto. With the support of the city council, Piñeiro, 63, has set up "100,000 Motivos de Peso" (100,000 sensible motives): a collective slimming program in which the whole city can participate. Since the beginning of this year, 4000 inhabitants have taken up the challenge. Together, they have set themselves a clear goal: they want to weigh 100,000 fewer kilos in 2020. To achieve this, all the Naron aims to lose weight. There are campaigns and campaigns to educate adults and children about their diet and lifestyle. Every day at 7 o'clock in the morning, a "caminata" is organized, a group walk of the residents who wish to lighten their weight. And the city park is used for a joint warm-up and other exercises to become fit.

To set a good example, the initiators participate with enthusiasm. GP Piñeiro leads a walking group and is regularly active in the park as a physical trainer. And the members of the mayor and aldermen were weighed publicly. Even local restaurants contribute to the urban weight loss cure. On the menu, they prepared healthy dishes from Atlantic cuisine, with special attention to fish, seafood and vegetables. The dishes are neither complicated nor expensive, so that customers can easily prepare them at home. Cooks are happy to provide text and explanations upon request. Whether or not Narón has lost 100,000 pounds by 2020 is, of course, the question. The month of December is also approaching in Galicia, with all the risks associated with it: the holidays offer many culinary temptations, while the winter keeps most people at home. But without a doubt, part of the population jumped again in January to limit calories and move more. This is Narón's lesson: just like eating, you can lose weight together.
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