Events authorized during the national Sinterklaasintocht


During this year's Sinterklaas national tour in Zaanstad, demonstrations can be organized, said Mayor Jan Hamming.

The VVD questioned whether the mayor was planning to enforce the emergency ordinance when it came into force on November 17. According to Mayor Hamming, "There is no reason for that". However, according to Hamming, preparations are under way "so that, if this measure is necessary, it can be implemented as quickly as possible".
The nature of these measures is not clear. We can conclude from this response from the mayor that the municipality takes into account the scenario according to which demonstrators and protesters of the black debate can cause a "disorder".

Read also: Zaanstad speaks to a dozen action groups of protests when he enters the country.

In this case, the mayor "will act and put an end to the demonstrations", according to the letter in which he answers the questions of the VVD

The VVD pleaded earlier to prohibit the demonstrations when the 39; entry. The party wants the entry to proceed calmly and that both sides participating in the debate on the black pipe do not have the opportunity to cause a disagreement. "In football, we do not place hooligans next to the section reserved for children," said the group's president, Marianne de Boer, at NH News. This wish of the VVD is therefore of no importance, for the moment.

The municipality spoke to ten action groups and two of them said they wanted to start demonstrating. Both are & # 39; pro & # 39; Zwarte Piet.

Read also: The committee of Sinterklaas Zaanstad withdrew from the national entrance because of the soot

This year's arrival in Zaanstad has until the end of the year. now have caused a lot of dust. The NTR said earlier this month that Sinterklaas would be accompanied at the national entrance by soot flocks . The Sinterklaas Zaanstad Committee then withdrew from dissatisfaction .

The committee also received death threats because it had opted for Zwarte Pieten. Later, the NTR said that in addition to the soot pest, an ordinary Zwarte Pieten would also be present at the national entrance. "The more they spend in the fireplace, the more they become black," said a spokesman.

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