Experts critical of the new reimbursement of the PrEP HIV prevention pill


Every day, two people in the Netherlands are infected with HIV: a total of about 22,900 people are infected in the Netherlands. With daily swallowing, the PrEP pill can prevent HIV infection. At the moment, Dutch users still have to pay for the pill themselves (this represents around 48 euros per month, with daily use). In countries like Belgium, Portugal and the United States, the pill has been repaid for several years.

The difference between AIDS and HIV
AIDS is the last stage of the HIV virus, in which the immune system has been severely affected. an increased risk of disease. AIDS comes from an HIV infection, but infection with the HIV virus does not necessarily mean AIDS. With HIV inhibitors, the virus can be controlled. When the HIV virus is not detectable by the use of HIV inhibitors, it is also not transferable.

Various organizations in the Netherlands, such as Aidsfonds, SOA Aids Nederland, the HIV and COC Association have been advocating for full reimbursement for years. HIV prevention pills in basic packaging. In addition to the use of condoms and regular testing for STDs, the PrEP pill is an important element in the prevention of the HIV virus

Only in 2019 for a small group

Partial Reimbursement of the New Regime only begins in 2019. The HIV Association calls this an "unacceptable additional delay". Aidsfonds-Soa Aids is satisfied with the decision of the Minister, but also to miss the necessary urgency. Director Louise van Deth writes in a comment: "There is no reason to wait any longer. Everyone at GGD is ready, so we can begin to provide PrEP immediately after the start. summer. "


" HIV and I want to associate AIDS with dignity and care "

The PrEP HIV prevention pill should also be reimbursed in the Netherlands, writes Olave

The new regulation also contains many repayment terms: PrEP research on a high-risk group of men who have sex with men, with a limited number of DGG, and there will always have a private contribution to the HIV prevention pill Community Initiative for Homosexual Men PrEPNu is clear in their position: they call the settlement is a "meager decision PrEP without ambition"

A "meager PrEP decision without ambition" [19659] 013] The HIV Association considers that the mandatory search aspect of reimbursement is a useless condition, which constitutes an additional hurdle for potential users. In addition, there is already a smaller survey on PrEP, AmPrEP. The group of interest of HIV-positive homosexual men, Poz & Proud, thinks this research "strangely resembles the redo of AmPrEP research in a broader context." The AmPrEP study, a study conducted by the Amsterdam GGD on PrEP and HIV prevention, began in June 2015 and runs until December 2018. 376 homosexual men and transgender people participate in the study. l & # 39; study.

the departments ensure that the resource is not equally accessible to all, and there is always a mandatory personal contribution of about 12 euros per month for research participants.

The HIV Association think that it is precisely the people who do not run the highest risk, do not live in big cities where HIV is more common and have little money, you have right to access to information, care and support. "People at lower risk often already have limited access," writes the association in its response letter. According to President Bertus Tempert and Director Pieter Brokx, the Netherlands is not making good use of this regulation as a host country for the July 23rd International AIDS Conference. "The Netherlands are lagging behind and are too slow."

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