Farmer Werkhoven about fires: my orientation has to do with that


Suddenly, on October 25, a fire broke out in the Werkhoven yard. Snitselaar saves the cows themselves in a burning barn. The damage caused by the first fire is not very serious, but two days later, his company, Natures Best, is on fire in the same yard. It's a company that packs straw and hay bales delivered to supermarkets and garden centers. "The boy had already left for a while, so it seems to me that this will come from this direction, no?"

But Snitselaar has more enemies, he says. Because Natures Best, according to the municipality of Bunnik, is acting contrary to the zoning plan, the farmer must look for a new place to accommodate his growing company.

His gaze settles on a henhouse located in & # 39; Goy, a village in the Netherlands. district. "The owner went bankrupt and had to leave, I took some of the poultry and established Natures Best, but the barn turned out to be contaminated with fipronil, which I did not know. I have a claim of 1 million euros for there has never been a concrete threat, but if you consider that this man has often had to deal with fires and that insurers are hesitant to Doing business with him, I think it's very striking. "

Snetselaar documents that show RTV Utrecht, confirm the story of the Fipronil-infected stable and the insurers' doubt. The contractor said he also informed the police of the complaint and the owner of the chicken shed.

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