TILBURG – The fierce Blommers moor in Tilburg is under control. Firefighters have quickly escalated fire and are present with a lot of equipment. Near the fire zone is the district of Koolhoven.
The fire was reported around a quarter to six and quickly spread in the wind and drought. The smoke clouds were visible far away in the environment. By half-past six the worst flames seemed to be extinguishing. Firefighters say it's still there for a long time to extinguish it.
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During the fire, many people watched from the neighborhood. Some also came out of the neighborhood with watering pipes and buckets of water on the road to keep the fire away from the houses.
"I arrived and saw that there was a fire in the field," says a resident of the locality. "I do not think everyone was aware, so I immediately called the fire department."
Displaced Cars
The man saw that the fire spread quickly and acted immediately. He tapped on the windows of his neighbor's car to move it. "The fire was only about five meters away and came this way."
The movement arrived just in time. "Where the car was, are now burning marks, and a business bus a little further could still be tidied in time."
Modified: Sunday 1 July 2018 – 21:43
Author: der Valk Tobias de | Maaike Cnossen
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