"Fight against Lyme Disease – Europabreed & # 39; – Actueel


The European Commission is to develop a plan to fight in a coordinated way against Lyme disease throughout the EU. To this end, the European Parliament calls for a resolution on this "silent epidemic" that would have, according to estimates, reached one million Europeans.

The infectious disease is transmitted by ticks. In the Netherlands, about 27,000 people contract this disease each year, four times more than twenty years ago. Lyme disease can cause chronic pain, problems with concentration and fatigue.

The diagnosis is not easy to ask, in part because there is no good testing. Brussels and the Member States should work on standard tests and treatments. According to the Parliament, EU countries should also be required to share data and carry out prevention campaigns.

CDA MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik spoke of a "medical ram" p. "We will work at European level to establish the diagnosis more quickly and quickly develop a vaccine against the disease." (ANP)

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