Fine, fine and driving ban imposed on Dave Roelvink | Now


Dave Roelvink shall, if it is the responsibility of the Attorney General, receive a forty-hour community service benefit, a fine of 1,750 euros and a one-year driving prohibition. The DJ is being sued Tuesday for driving under the influence, annoying driving and speeding

Dries Roelvink's son was scheduled to appear Tuesday after being arrested by police in August. The DJ reportedly drove the Amsterdam ring 180 kilometers to the hour. A breath test showed that he had consumed more than 2.5 times the amount of alcohol allowed.

In the middle of the Coentunnel, the DJ had stopped driving, according to police, after which he had called something unintelligible to the motor police officer who wanted to arrest him. After driving a lot, Roelvink again parked his car on the emergency lane to react aggressively. Moments later, he was arrested.

Time on the bank with sandwich and water

According to the 24-year-old DJ, he spent hours between the moment he drank and the moment he got in the car. "After an hour spent on the couch at home, with a sandwich and water, I thought I could drive, unbelievably stupid," said several court rapporteurs in the Roelvink room.

"I understand that it is not practical to use an agent to contradict, but to stop a car in the tunnel is suicidal, I'm sure to 100,000 that it does not been done, "says Roelvink.The present agent contradicts the story of Roelvink

Roelvink recounted an alcohol course and spoke to a psychologist about the incident. of the RBC will follow.He doubts himself having traveled 180 kilometers at the time. "If I drove to 180, I would have really noticed it." When handling the case, an average speed of 165 kilometers at the time was chosen because the agent in question did not have a speedometer.

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