First drought record of 1976 broken NOW


This is what Weeronline reports Wednesday morning. It depends on August if the absolute record in the rainfall deficit is broken. This month was very dry in 1976.

The rainfall deficit indicates the degree of drought and is calculated on the basis of the difference between evaporation and precipitation. According to expectations, there is a chance of rain and thunderstorms Friday night late and Saturday. Then it will be dry for days with lots of sun and summer at tropical temperatures.

High evaporation pushes the average deficit of national rainfall to 300 millimeters at the beginning of August, estimates Weeronline. In some areas of Achterhoek and Twente, the deficit is already greater.

It is not yet known what the weather will look like this year in August. Starting from the weekend of August 4th and 5th, the uncertainty in the waiting will increase. A further increase in drought is more likely than a stabilization of the rainfall deficit.

Water agencies and water companies take many measures to prevent damage and calamities due to drought. For example, there are spray bans, peat dikes are irrigated and docks are inspected and here and there the water pressure is lowered.

Code orange

Since Wednesday morning, the orange code applies to extreme heat throughout the country. Especially Thursday and Friday very high temperatures are forecast, inland and in urban areas of 35 degrees Celsius or more. Also in the nights it stays very hot with minima around 20 degrees.

Because of the heat, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has put in place a national heating plan. It is recommended to drink enough to keep the house cool and to limit physical effort.

Tuesday there is still no heatwave, but the KNMI expects that there will be a heat wave this week. To talk about a national heat wave, it takes De Bilt at least 25 degrees or more for five consecutive days. Of these five days, the temperature must also reach an additional 30 degrees for at least three days.

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