information about cookies


What do cookies do?

Website visitors are faced with cookies. These are small files on your PC that store information about your site visit. Despite the negative sounds in the media, cookies are very useful. For example, we consider if you are logged in and what preferences you have set for our site.

In addition to these cookies placed by us and necessary for the proper functioning of the site, you may also receive cookies from other parties that provide parts for our site. For example, cookies may be used to display a particular advertisement only once.

Cookies Never can be used to read private data from your computer or to intercept passwords. They may also not infect a computer with a virus or Trojan. So they are completely safe and have been used without incident on almost every website in the world since the 90s.

When you visit (and almost every other website), you can expect the types of the following cookies: [19659005] – Functional cookies

Cookies that are necessary for the use of FOK !, for example to be able to connect and remember your preferences.
FOK! place cookies with your userid, your session, the settings of some trackers and display options, a & # 39; token & # 39; which is used to verify consent to the placement of cookies, & # 39; accept_all_cookies & # 39; to register your choice of cookie

– Cookies of Advertising companies

Advertising companies measure the success of their campaigns, the possible interests of the visitor and the possible preferences (do you want the sound, did you see the advertising or must be displayed, etc.) by reading cookies. If an advertising company has banners on multiple websites, the data from these websites can be combined to create a better profile. For example, advertisers may place their cookies on multiple sites and thus obtain a detailed picture of the interests of the user. This allows you to view more targeted and relevant ads. For example, after visiting an online store on other sites, you can get banners with the products you see yourself or similar products. The site owner can not display these cookies
on FOK! Advertisements with cookies may be placed from webads, groupm server, tower, openx,, administrator, doubleclick projector, bluekai, adnetik, valueclick, emediate, recipe, hottraffic, adnexus, m4n, daisycon, viglink, adsense , doubleclick, criteo, appnexus, zanox, google, stir, valueclick, linkedin, digidip, inpagevideo, vmg, sanoma.

– Cookies for Website Analysis

To track our visitor statistics, we use Google Analytics. This system tracks the pages viewed by our visitors, where they come from and click, which browser and screen resolution they use, and much more. We use this information to get a better picture of our visitors and to optimize our site. Google, which provides this service, uses this information to create an anonymous and relevant ad profile that allows them to offer targeted advertising.
FOK! uses Google Analytics, hottraffic, bluekai and Scorecard

– Cookies from other external parties

In addition to the above, there are more components that can generate a cookie. They are often used by content partners to analyze which sites their users are active on and how their services work. Think of movies from, for example, youtube, pictures of services like Flickr or Picasa, and "I like" buttons on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
On FOK! we use parts (and therefore cookies) of Facebook, Hyves, Twitter, Trustee, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo Flickr, LastFM, Google Maps, AppNexus, AddThis

To visit, it is essential that you allow such external cookies to be placed. You can then use the exclusion option of many external companies so that cookies from that specific provider are no longer allowed. On this can be done for many advertisers at the same time. You can also read where these cookies are used. It is also possible to configure your browser so that only cookies from the site you visit are accepted. How is it in the help function of your browser.

Scroll down for a more detailed overview of the information provided by FOK! the cookies used.

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