"Follow-up breast cancer needs to be patient-specific and can often be shorter"


"It is a personal risk that the doctor must discuss with the patient, not only about the measurable risk, but also about what women feel comfortable with." Some women find it reassuring to keep checking. "They should have the choice to see a doctor, or longer than the usual five years if necessary," says Witteveen.

Sabine Siesling, a researcher at the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Center and at the University of Twente, approves. She also finds that women are often nervous about a control shot. "Some women say that they are nervous for three weeks, while the chances of finding cancer again can be very low." However, she also understands that skipping a check can miss a dangerous bump.


"No estimate is 100% sure, there is always a chance that something will be forgotten, but we tested the model on 50,000 women, which showed that the risks can be properly evaluated. "In the current tracking system too, more than half of women discover a lump between two follow-ups, says Siesling. "The advantage of a new monitoring method is also that high-risk women can gain more control," says Witteveen

. "It is now especially important to study how this risk may be. to be explained in an understandable way, "Siesling ponders. "If a woman wants to control each month, you may be wondering if that will help her, her fear may be greater than the real risk that she runs and a doctor needs to be able to." help assess the risks. "

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