Forced fewer tick bites and this is because of the drought


The hot weather and dryness of the last time cause a sharp drop in tick bites. That's what researchers from Wageningen University observe. Nevertheless, it is always observed in the woods of Gelderse

A bite is annoying and can cause Lyme disease. Every year, more than a million people in the Netherlands suffer from a tick bite, of which 27,000 receive Lyme.


The University of Wageningen leads, with the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), research on ticks. Until June included, there were still many reports of bites via, but the number of people has dropped in recent weeks. According to researchers, it is now two-thirds lower than the same period last year.

Due to heat and drought, ticks creep further into the ground. Nevertheless, the chances of a bite in the forests of Gelderland remain relatively high, according to the researchers

Still bitten?

Next, the advice is to remove the tick immediately and keep an eye on the place of the bite for three months. . In case of rash or skin rash or other health problems, please contact your doctor.

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