Fraudulent Helmond official for 2.9 million euros


A former officer of the municipality of Helmond, Pieter H. (56) concealed 2.9 million euros – a multiple of what had originally been thought. The tax authorities estimated the damage suffered by the city of Brabant to the tune of 2.9 million euros. That's what Mayor Elly Blanksma-van den Heuvel (CDA) wrote to City Council on Friday

. As head of internal affairs, H. was responsible for the purchase of all the material needed by the municipality. In this position, he spent three years financially paying for the products and services he used himself, including electronics, clothing, groceries and gardening equipment. H. also built a garden at his wife's home in Echt, Limburg province. In 2016, a statement was filed against him. At the end of this year, the grievor was fired.

In March of last year, H. and his wife were arrested. He is suspected of money laundering, forgery and embezzlement. His wife, former secretary of the municipality of Leudal, in Limburg, is suspected of money laundering. The couple is now divorced.

Criminal case

A study by the accounting firm PwC estimated the value of the money sent by the former head of home affairs to more than 4.5 tons last September. Blanksma then had the suspicion that this had been underestimated. PwC did not examine all the years in which H. progressed. The tax authorities have done. If the conclusion of Belastingdienst is in line with the expectations of the municipality, it is not necessary for the spokesperson to say so.

The municipality tries to recover and limit the damage as much as possible. The spokesman does not say exactly how it works. There is already a criminal case against H. in which Helmond acts as an injured party. The municipality expects that a "substantial compensation" can be won.

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