If you want to be brown, you have to tan, at least if you want to sunbathe, tan is something that is not recommended, but if you go to the sun, it is important to rub yourself.
Will you be brown? Can you buy sunscreen abroad, or is it just that you buy junk food? Metro Netherlands spoke with dermatologist Nicole Kukutsch of the LUMC (University Medical Center Leiden) Skin Cancer Center and Melanoma Foundation Advisory Board and put the fables and facts at your disposal.
1. If you have dark skin, you do not have to enter "If you have dark skin, you are less likely to develop skin cancer, that is, if your skin type is 4 or more dark, normally not burned and always becomes brown … For skin cancer, you do not need you are less worried then, mom Even with such skin, your skin will age faster if you are in the sun.
If you have tinged skin, it becomes easily brown, but it still burns in strong UV rays like many people from the Mediterranean regions, Then you have a chance of skin cancer and aging Also because the amount of sunlight to which you are exposed in the Mediterranean areas is often very high. "
" If you have dark skin, it is worth applying if you want avoid skin aging such as wrinkles and irregular pigments Fortunately, we also see that many people do it. But be sure to take enough vitamin D, if necessary with an extra tablet. Vitamin D is mainly produced in the skin by UV-B and people with dark skin and extra sunscreen may have vitamin D deficiency. "
2. Factor 50 is nonsense and nonsense
Fable, says Kukutsch. "What is true is that the difference between the 30 factor and the 50 factor is not very great. The factor 30 protects – if you lubricate well – 95% against the sun. However, it is the art that you coat really well and in fact you never lubricate the right amount. If you lubricate a higher factor, you will benefit more because this factor provides very good protection. If you burn quickly, it is not a luxury to apply the factor 50 to places where you burn quickly. "
3. If you rub, you will become less (or less) brown."
"That's right, because browning occurs because the skin comes into contact with UVA and UVB rays. . Sunburn never blocks 100 percent of the sunlight. And you always get a little brown simply because you never lubricate regularly enough. What would be enough? You must repeat it every two hours, repeat each time and if you have been in the water or have perspired. Impossible, in fact, because who is in the sun, who sweats. "
4. If I'm insinuating well enough, I can cook for hours.
Kukutsch:" Absolutely a fable. If we go back to the previous point: you never apply enough lubrication and this does not have an infinite effect. You can not tan without end. If you rub with eg the 30 factor while you normally stay unprotected, without being red for 10 minutes in the sun, you can stay in the sun about 30 x 10 = 300 minutes protected.
But it does not work that way you then lubricate once more and can sit in the sun for 300 minutes without protection. There is always a bit of UV through sunscreen and it is after this period that an amount too large. Then you should actually put on a shirt or look for shade. And elsewhere: going to bed is, in my opinion, too old-fashioned. "
5. The sunscreen in foreign countries is often neither good nor false.
According to Kukutsch, it is very important to be abroad. example, in the EU, there is a standard for sunscreen to which every producer must adhere. "So, in Spain, you have the same products as here. And in countries like Australia, Japan, and the United States, you notice that standards are just as strict, "says Kukutsch. She also points out that it's not smart to buy sunscreen on a dismal stall somewhere in the middle of nowhere. "So you do not know what kind of products they are."
6. Sunscreen can spoil
Made according to Kukutsch. "The sunscreen naturally has a good date of use. So it works less well. You can often use sunscreen for about a year. Sometimes it can be less. And what you do not have to do is put sunscreen in the car when it's very hot, or in the sun when you're at the beach. Always try to keep the bottle in the shade. "
7. If I register well, I can not have skin cancer
According to Kukutsch, it's a myth". "But with a good coating, you reduce the risk of skin cancer.However, it must be really good.What many opponents of the use of sunscreen use as an argument is that sun protection is used to stay in the sun longer, which we just talked about.So you are not protected enough, you burn or you receive too much UV and the cancer risk of the skin increases again. "
From where all misunderstandings about sunburn come and the fact that many people still love (unprotected) lying in the sun, Kukutsch understands. "The sun is very pleasant and pleasant, and the risk of skin cancer and aging is then something abstract, because it will only be played out years later.You must protect yourself now, in order not to do not get sick later and be full of wrinkles.If you are burned, you are already at greater risk. "
The youngest, the worst
" Prevention is bad in people's heads. is a shame because every sunburn is bad: the more this happens, the more serious the effect can be when you are older.This is why it is so important to protect your children well. that comes the feeling that – because it's fashionable – it would be as healthy to be brown.The brown one looks better 'according to our standard But in my opinion everyone should just be happy with their own skin color.And another benefit: you do not need to botoxer later s i take your sunburn right now! & # 39; [19659024]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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