Global Week of Action against the Illegal Trade in Drugs; arrest in The Hague National Government Government Global Week of Action against the illicit trade in drugs; arrest in The Hague



Last week, a 45-year-old man from The Hague was arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking. With him, commercial quantities of anabolic, amphetamines and opiates were found. The invasion was carried out by the Tax Investigation and Investigation Service (FIOD), the investigative service of the tax authorities, in close cooperation with the Inspectorate of Health Care and Youth, the National Institute of public health and the environment and the police. Arrest and arrest is one of Pangea's products, the Global Week of Action against Drug Trafficking.

Illegal Trade

Pangea is an international operation that took place this year from 9 to 16 October. In the Netherlands, the inspection coordinates this action. There is close cooperation with Customs and RIVM. This year, the FIOD also participated for the first time. The purpose of these actions is to highlight the health risks associated with the use of illegal drugs. And of course, extracting as many potentially dangerous substances from the market.

Inspection Web Survey

The Inspectorate investigated websites selling or advertising drugs. The Inspectorate visited one of the holders of a large number of online stores offering erotic items. He also sold erectile pills. The owner does not have a license to negotiate these funds. The means found have been taken into account and the inspection intends to take the measures that are required.

Parcel Control by Customs

During the campaign week, the customs authorities digitized thousands of (postal) parcels. In fact, 733 packages were opened and illegal drugs were found in 122 cases. Like last year, mounting agents, slimming products, anabolic steroids and opiates have been discovered. Some of the packages contain a quantity that indicates that it is for their own use, but there were also packages with commercial quantities. For example, a package containing 2,000 psychotherapeutic pills and 1,000 testosterone pills was found.

The number of packages containing allergy medications, mostly in small quantities, was striking. The introduction of drugs is also illegal for personal use. In addition, the user takes great risks for his health because the quality and safety of these drugs are not controlled.

Source: IGJ

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