Good Friday of 35 degrees: "Our weather charts are bright orange"


It is now certain: it will be really hot next week, up to 35 degrees to the east. "All weather patterns now indicate that it's going to be a lot warmer," says Nicolien Kroon meteorologist Buienradar.

The temperature rises a few degrees each day. Last week we were already over 25 degrees and it's still a week.

The summer is even a step closer. Wednesday is the first day that it will be 30 degrees to De Bilt. In the east of the country it will be 33 degrees. Thursday will be even hotter.

Friday 35 degrees

"Especially Friday and Saturday are very hot," says Nicolien Kroon. "In the east, it will be about 35 degrees."

There are weather models that also calculate the 35 degrees for the center of the country. On average, models indicate 32 to 33 degrees.

If Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are warming by more than 30 degrees, there is talk of an official heat wave. SURVEY: It's still hot, are you happy about that?

For a national heat wave, it must be 25 degrees or warmer at De Bilt for at least five consecutive days, the mercury of which must reach at least 30 degrees on three of these days.

The giraffes of the Ouwehands zoo are treated for a refreshing ice cream treat because of the heat

Heatwave 15 days

The heatwave is already possible now with retroactive effect. This is because the temperature has been above 25 degrees at De Bilt since July 15th. While the heat wave can last 15 days. The longest heat wave since the measurements lasted 18 days, that was in 1975.

"We are the blockade, a very large area of ​​high pressure over the Atlantic Ocean to the Scandinavia does not go bad, "says Nicolien Kroon. "As a result, low pressure areas are unlikely to approach us."

Bright Orange

In our neighboring countries too, with the exception of the eastern half of Europe, there is a depression. In the alpine region, there is also rain, but holidaymakers all over Europe can count on plenty of sun and high temperatures, even in Scandinavia. "Our European weather maps are bright orange," says the meteorologist. "If you want a little cooler, you have to go to Iceland or Scotland."

Overview of the Buienradar weekend:

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