GPs often prescribe morphine and oxycodone – Actual


Doctors often prescribe opioid analgesics. Between 2013 and 2017, there was an increase from 5.6% to 7.7% of the total number of prescriptions written to the GP station. In particular, the number of strong opioid prescriptions, such as morphine and oxycodone, is increasing.

This is illustrated by the figures of NIVEL. The number of prescriptions for low-dose opioid tramadol remained virtually unchanged during the period under review, while that of strong-acting opioids such as morphine and morphine remained virtually unchanged during the period under review. considered.

Oxycodone increased slightly. Tramadol, oxycodone and morphine were mainly prescribed for disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, morphine was prescribed for disorders of the digestive organs and urinary tract.

In about one third of contacts with the GP station, a prescription for a drug was given between 2013 and 2017. This share remained more or less the same during this period. However, the absolute number of contacts with the GP station has increased: from 238 contacts per thousand inhabitants in 2013 to 254 in 2016. In 2017, it has further decreased slightly; from 254 to 249 contacts per thousand inhabitants


Doctors are particularly concerned about the increase in the use of oxycodone in the Netherlands, because the drug can cause a strong dependence in case of prolonged use. According to the Professor of Anesthesiology Albert Dahan of the LUMC often lacks knowledge among doctors, who do not believe that the drug can be so addictive. In addition, doctors are not sufficiently trained in the treatment of pain, according to Frank Huygen anesthesiology professor of Erasmus MC earlier this week against Volkskrant

It is unclear how much d & # 39; Oxocodone users in the Netherlands are dependent on the drug. Nevertheless, Professor Dahan is talking about a "silent epidemic of opioids," which would not be so visible because these people "are not yet massively addicted." However, addiction specialist Thomas Knuijver of mental health care provider IrisZorg says he sees every week from one to three new patients who are addicted to oxycodone, according to him it's a development last two years.

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