Greater chance of pneumonia proven by goat breeding nearby



A new Nivel study confirms the findings of a previous study for the period 2007-2013, according to which people living within a radius of two kilometers of goat farming are more likely to suffer from pneumonia than the average. This is what Nivel reports on Monday

from North Brabant and Limburg

The latest research was conducted between 2014 and 2016 in East North Brabant and North Limburg. The first two research projects were conducted by Nivel in collaboration with IRAS / UU, WUR and RIVM.

Unknown causes

Causes of the relationship between life near a goat farm and increased risk of pneumonia incidences are not yet known and are being investigated further. In addition, studies were conducted to determine if the risk of contracting pneumonia and living near a goat farm was also increased in other provinces.

Poultry farms

In addition to the proximity of goat farms, poultry farms are also under study. The previously found link between increased risk of contracting pneumonia and living near a poultry farm could only be confirmed by the new study of the year 2014.

L & P Study

The recently published report is the result of a study. This was done by the Nivel, the Institute for Research in Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS, University of Utrecht), the University of Wageningen and Research (WUR). It is one of the components of the RIVM Breeding and Resident Health Program (VGO). The analyzes used data from the electronic patient records of general practitioners in the east of the province of Noord-Brabant and the north of the province of Limburg.

Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports

The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS) and by the Ministry of Health. 39, Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. This is a first sub-study of a series of sub-studies under the VGO3 program.

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