Hazenpest surfaced in Overijssel Zenderen



Several amateurs in Zenderen, in the province of Overijssel, reported an increase in hare and rabbit mortality since October. In the meantime, four hares have been sent from this area to the Dutch Wildlife Health Center (DWHC) in Utrecht. "The result of a hare is now known, this animal had a tularemia, also called hare fever. The other hares are still under investigation, "said DWHC


Hazenpest is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, which can occur in many animal species, but hares rodents are particularly sensitive


The bacterium is transmissible from one animal to another, but not from one human to the other.
An infection can occur in various ways through the skin, by direct contact with an infected animal through a wound (sometimes invisible) or mucous membranes, for example after contact with an infected animal with unwashed hands in the eyes, rub them by an insect sting.It is particularly known in Sweden.


By eating contaminated meat not well fried (this bacteria is killed at 60 ºC). ingesting contaminated water (ditch). We know in Scandinavia that the consumption of contaminated water plays a role. The water becomes contaminated because, for example, sick dead lemmings.


By inhalation of contaminated airborne particles. It is known that a number of people in Germany became ill by spraying water on clarified hares.
Due to the many uncertainties surrounding the transfer of tularemia in the Netherlands, the disease became mandatory in November 2016 in humans.

Pathways of Contamination

Source-based research provides a better understanding of the routes of contamination and provides better guidance for preventive measures. There was already a reporting requirement for animals (cattle or mink). Last week, nine hunters in Bavaria were sick, eight of whom had been hospitalized.

Symptoms of the Human

When the infection occurs through an injury (sometimes invisible), an ulcer develops within a few days. wound and / or inflammation of regional lymph nodes. This is manifested for example by swelling of the arm and / or swollen lymph nodes in the armpits or groin on the side of the affected arm or leg, respectively. The disease is accompanied by fever and flu-like symptoms. Tularemia can in principle be well treated with antibiotics, provided that the right means are used.

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