Health is more important than thin in new diet books


Another diet book? The bookshops did not jump right after the publication of Karakter with The Pioppi regime arrived. The publisher started in October with a cautious first edition of 3,500 copies. Meanwhile, the book that inspires the habits of young people from the Italian village of Pioppi has been for four weeks at the forefront of the top 60 sellers of the CPNB.

The diet of Pioppi of Aseem Malhotra schoolbook book, but it is more than just food. And it also facilitates the integration into a new, successful category of non-fiction documentations: lifestyle and healthy eating. In the only CPNB Top 10 dedicated to food and beverages, there are now four titles of this kind.

Read also: Nutrition Center warns of Pioppi's popular diet

According to Chris de Graaf, director of Character, Pioppi's diet now numbers 70,000 copies. The spread of Doctors of Tomorrow in which Antoinette Hertsenberg devoted nearly an hour to food, was certainly beneficial. It is striking that two doctors have cooperated and that they also sell lifestyle books in the store: Tamara de Weijer is a general practitioner and chair of the Arts & Lifestyle Council. She has been in the bestseller list with for over six weeks and is eating better in 28 days . Hanno Pijl is an internist endocrinologist at the Leiden University Medical Center and Professor of Diabetes. He wrote with Karine Hoenderdos Type 2 Diabetes? Do yourself better . This had to be confused with their publishers, Kosmos and Fontaine. Do you have such authority in your fund, they announce the competitor.

Overweight and Diabetes

Half of the Dutch are overweight and more than one million people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It is becoming clearer that a healthy diet some patients can help get rid of diabetes 2. And then, there are also a lot of people with irritable bowel, high blood pressure, menopausal symptoms. From classic diet books focused on weight loss to thin bodies, the focus now shifts to healthier lifestyles, for specific groups with specific issues.

Francis Wehkamp, ​​publisher Fontaine, was only present at the Frankfurter Buchmesse and was offered many books on the lifestyle, which struck again: "The Chronic and life-threatening diseases are big topics "Nevertheless, an international fair for Fontaine is not the most obvious place to get new titles. "With foreign authors, you do not always know if their advice is consistent with the Dutch situation, I prefer to develop a book with Dutch doctors, then you know that the advice is correct, so that readers do not get confused. Books such as this offer a counterweight to Dr. Google. "

See also: Why slim is even harder than losing weight

With a market share of about 23%, Kosmos is the largest publisher in the food category. They are standard with several titles in the bestseller lists. Editor at Kosmos Melanie Zwartjes: " The Hourglass of Food by Kris Verburgh [Prometheus, red.] was a huge booster in 2013. It reinforced the idea that with food, you can influence your health and many diseases are related to lifestyle, people want to control their own health. "

The fact that Kris Verburgh, a doctor but still has trouble interpreting food science, raises many criticisms , did not hinder sales. 350,000 copies of De Voedselzandloper were sold

Wash the plaque in twelve weeks

Kosmos has Fajah Lourens his own selling gun. From his series Killerbody hundreds of thousands of books were sold. A washboard in twelve weeks, promises Lourens. Kosmos does not remain on a thin line of credibility? Zwartjes: "You buy a promise, but all the information and recipes are verified by experts, I do not want books that do not fit in. We have a reputation to lose."

The attention paid to Inside knows no bounds; everything is a subject, intestines to the pituitary gland. Sometimes the link to stress is established or the popular brain around the corner has existed for years, as in [cerveau gluant] in which nutrition psychologist Heleen Ligtelijn tries to reveal the psychological patterns at the base of our eating behavior.

Replace the bad ones with good fats, advises the Health Council. But what is bad and what? Read also: Vetkwartet

The lifestyle is not a hype, but a "difficult trend," says Chris de Graaf, a very enthusiastic character to the success of Pioppi. The offer always increases and the end is not in sight yet. De Graaf sees a lot of books about depression coming from Scandinavia. And the link between nutrition and depression is quickly established.

Sold 50,000 times

While the Dutch public is offered a book on the lifestyle, the inhabitants of Pioppi, without thinking too much, live their Mediterranean life. Only 300 people live in the village. Do they know that around 50,000 Dutch people have bought the Pioppi book? Perhaps they still knew Ancel Keys, the American nutrition specialist who lived in Pioppi for 28 years and showed how saturated fats can be unhealthy. Do they know that the cardiologist who wrote the Diet Diet of Pioppi every morning makes a spoonful of coconut oil in his espresso? Little chance that they will follow this example one day. You drink as much as you can with a ball of sugar. And you will die.

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