"Highly educated people drink more often than the least educated" | NOW


This is evident from the publication A (Healthy) Way of Life: Formation as a Demarcation Line Employees of the Sociology Section of the Radboud University (UK) in collaboration with the Office of Social and Cultural Planning (SCP). was released Tuesday.

1,919 Dutch took part in this study, who were asked about various aspects of their lifestyle, including weight, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The researchers looked at whether there were any differences when filtering at the program level.

It showed that 10.3% of people with a university degree smoke. This applies to 33.1% of low-skilled people

Alcohol consumption is more often the result of highly educated people. 46.7% of those with a university education drink regularly and those with higher vocational training also drink relatively often: 42% do so regularly. That goes for 33.4% of low-skilled people

"No problem"

According to epidemiologist Luc Bonneux, drinking "up to fifteen alcohol units a week" is not a problem, "he says in . news podcast from NU.nl. "The vast majority can enjoy their drinks with impunity." He warns against alcohol addiction.

Bonneux also refers to smoking for health. "Smoking is so bad that all other unhealthy lifestyles do not fall in anything compared to smoking," says the epidemiologist. "The good news for smokers is that they can ignore all the other health tips, because they mean nothing compared to smoking."

Eating Vegetables

People who have not received a high education have an average BMI of 26, 8 (slightly overweight). Participants with a university degree have an average BMI of 24.4, which is just within the limit of a healthy weight. At a BMI of 25 overweight is mentioned.

The higher a person is, the more vegetables they consume on average. 71.5 percent of low-skilled people eat vegetables daily, this applies to 86.9 percent of those who completed university

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