hunt hunting measure illogical and ethically irresponsible


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Minister Schouten of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality recently began hunting to intensify the descent on the boar, to Further to a request from a board and the Animal Protection Society does not agree and calls on Schouten to reconsider and withdraw this illogical and ethically irresponsible measure.

On paper it seems logical that the risk of spread of African swine fever will decrease somewhat when the wild boar population is reduced, but it is also possible that the intensification of the hunt will result in a faster spread. deadly virus among its members and that it panic, everyone can think that this the company does not do any good, the animals are left to themselves and the energy is implemented so

The protection of animals is mainly to human actions, because the risk is much greater. For example, people who bring meat from countries where African swine fever is prevalent or hygiene protocols that are not scrupulously respected. Information plays a crucial role in this regard. A role played by the Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority (NVWA) as part of a campaign to prevent African swine fever. According to the Protection of Animals

Source: Dierenbescherming, 26/10/18

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