IGJ: Care in Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers


Outpatient rehabilitation centers largely meet the standards. Quality and safety are in order, concludes the inspection of health and youth. The sector considers quality as important and the care is well organized.

Anyone who experiences a major event such as an accident or stroke wants to return to his normal life as soon as possible. Often, these people must first rehabilitate. This can also be done at home for a large part. That is why, as soon as possible, care is transferred to an ambulatory care center

The Inspectorate sees that the centers would like to further improve the quality. The themes of complaints, drug safety and infection prevention deserve even more attention. The cleaning agreements were not always in line with the guideline. And although there are few risky drugs administered in the centers studied, this must be done in the right way.

The Inspection interviewed 158 outpatient clinics and visited 14. In outpatient clinics visited, the Inspection asked for improvement measures.

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I studied physiotherapy and business administration in health care. I have a lot of experience in different positions in the medical, pharmaceutical and health sectors. And have a vast medical knowledge of most specialties in health care. I attend most leading medical conferences in Europe and America every year to keep my knowledge up-to-date and keep up with the latest developments and innovations.

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